Why we’re here

Everyone has a story. This is ours.

Our beginning

Mental health treatment means different things to different people.

To us, it means choosing an intentional path in life and learning how to make it happen.

Our practice was established to make that path a little less challenging by providing help during times when life feels overwhelming or out of sync.

Helping humans thrive is what we do best. We assist you to find your way forward to self-belief and fulfillment through growth.

Integral to our practice is balancing holistic mental health treatment with a commitment to wellness.

Our difference

We believe the therapy experience doesn’t begin and end with the sessions themselves.

That’s why, from the moment you enter our Helping Humans Thrive hub, you’ll feel the mental noise quieten, the stress leave your body and the serenity soothe your soul.

We offer you the support, time and space to take steps toward self-care, self-acceptance and self-love.

Our strength lies in our complete approach to mental health treatment – professional psychology combined with a compassionate focus to create positive change.

Our mission

We offer expert psychological support in a caring manner to people dealing with complex emotional issues such as ADHD, OCD, eating disorders, borderline personality disorder and trauma.

Our values

Authenticity: we are genuine and transparent in all our interactions. 

Empowerment: we trust in your ability to find your own path for healing and decision-making. We won’t treat you as fragile.

Simplicity: we use straightforward techniques and language, so all our recommendations are easy to understand and apply.

Boundaries: we establish and maintain clear professional boundaries to ensure a safe and respectful environment for all.

Supportive challenge: we offer challenges that encourage growth while providing the support you need to face them.

Our vision

We aim to be the leading North Shore psychology practice for helping people with ADHD, eating disorders, borderline personality disorder, trauma and OCD.